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Central Europe, man-made landscape, garden and park landscape, park «Arcadia», National dendrological park «Sofiyivka» of NAS of Ukraine, landscape structure, types of terrain, rational use of nature

How to Cite

Kravtsova І. В., & Kanska В. В. (2023). MODEL STRUCTURES OF GARDEN AND PARK LANDSCAPES OF CENTRAL EUROPE. Landscape Science, (1(1), 106–119.


The landscape structure of garden and park landscapes of Central Europe on the example of the garden and park landscape «Sofiyivka» (Uman, Cherkasy region, Ukraine) and the garden and park landscape «Arcadia» (Nieborów, Łód Voivodeship, Poland) had been examined. Geographical understanding of Central Europe as a natural-geographical region and socio-geographical category had been discovered. The modern understanding of garden and park landscapes as a corresponding group of man-made landscapes, which in its structure is a reasonable combination of natural components, elements and components and elements formed in the process of economic / art activity of man had been done. The article presented maps of the modern landscape structure of the garden and park landscape «Arcadia» and the garden and park landscape «Sofiyivka». It has been established, that the garden and park landscape «Arcadia» and the garden and park landscape «Sofiyivka» were founded during the anthropogenic-landscape period of the formation of garden and park landscapes, namely the romantic direction. They are connected by the history of the foundation and friendly relations of the owners of these objects: Princess Helena Radziwill and Sophia Glavani-Witt-Potocka. Garden and park landscape «Arcadia» is located 5 km southeast of the town of Łowicz, Łowicz County, Łód Voivodeship in the structure of the rural subclass of the residential class of man-made landscapes. Garden and park landscape «Arcadia» is located within the Mazowiecko-Podlaska Lowland, an example of a floodplain type of garden and park landscapes. The area of the object is 14.5 hectares. Today, the garden and park landscape «Arcadia» is part of the museum in Neboriv, which was established in 1945. Garden and park landscape «Sofiyivka» is located in the city of Uman, Cherkasy region on the Dnieper Upland. The object of study has a complex landscape structure, which is formed by the valley of the river Kamyanka, as well as two beams: Zvirynets and Grekova. Garden and park landscape «Sofiyivka» is an example of a valley-beam type of garden and park landscapes. Area - over 200 hectares. Today it is the National dendrological park «Sofiyivka» of the National Academy Sciences of Ukrain
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ірина Віталіївна Кравцова , Вікторія Володимирівна Канська