Published 2025-01-02
- skills; timbre; orchestra; intonation; pedagogy; bachelors of musical arts
Copyright (c) 2024 Ярослав Новосадов
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The article is devoted to defining the content and structure of the skills of timbre-orchestral intonation of bachelors of musical art. In the context of modern requirements for music education, the key aspects of the development of education seekers related to the understanding and reproduction of musical material through its timbre-orchestral organization are highlighted. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of the formation of these skills as a basis for the interpretation of musical works in various performing and pedagogical contexts. It is indicated that these skills include the ability to analyze the timbre characteristics of instruments, an idea of their role in the general structure of the musical text, as well as practical use during performance or work with a musical work. Timbre-orchestral intonation skills are considered as the ability to perceive, analyze and reproduce a rich timbre palette, instrumental combinations, which is a key factor for further interpretation and a creative approach to the performance of a musical work. The structure of timbre-orchestral intonation skills is highlighted. It consists of three components – cognitive-motivational, reflective-sensory, cognitive-creative. We consider the cognitive-motivational component to be the core, since motivation crosses all the formations of a future teacher – needs, goals, ideals, will, beliefs. This component ensures the holistic nature of the performing and instrumental training of bachelors of musical art and reflects the level of motives for the activity of bachelors of musical art, the degree of formation of interest in pedagogical activity. The second component – reflective-sensory – combines the conscious perception of timbre features and emotional sensitivity in the process of interpreting a musical composition, the ability to realize one’s own performing process. The cognitive-creative component of timbre-orchestral intonation skills is based on the creative transformation of intonation ideas and their representation in practical activities, the features of sound production and is associated with the formation of the need for one’s own interpretative activity within the framework of performing and instrumental training.
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