No. 2 (2023)
Art in the socio-cultural continuum

Development of musical skills of younger school students through instrumental music making

Kateryna Kushnir
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Diana Nahorna
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Published 2023-12-18


  • musical abilities, younger schoolchildren, instrumental music making

How to Cite

Development of musical skills of younger school students through instrumental music making. (2023). Art in Contemporary Culture: Theory and Practice of Teaching, 2, 34-39. https://doi.org/10.31652/3041-1017-2023(2)-04


The article is devoted to the problem of developing musical abilities of younger schoolchildren in the process of instrumental music making. Today, reforms are actively taking place in the field of education, the purpose of which is the formation of a competitive, creative personality capable of self-determination, self-realization and self-improvement; promote his comprehensive development, talents, abilities, competences, creativity and curiosity. Therefore, a modern school should ensure the formation of such a personality, and an important role in the implementation of these tasks should be assigned to the art of music.

The influence of instrumental music-making on the development of abilities, the formation and improvement of musical hearing and skills, emotional and conscious perception, expressiveness, improvisational development, a deep sense of music, aesthetic, patriotic and musical education of younger schoolchildren in modern education is considered. Attention is focused on finding ways to activate the development of musical abilities and constantly improving the methodology of musical education of younger schoolchildren in the process of various musical activities, and especially in the process of instrumental performance on elementary musical instruments.

A certain number of elementary musical instruments are considered, both conventional (instruments without a certain pitch: sticks, bars, box, drum, tambourine, triangle, plates, brushes, spoons), and electronic (keyboard-electronic, instruments with non-fixed tuning). Methods of organizing training using such tools and their impact on the development of younger schoolchildren. The need and expediency of teaching younger schoolchildren to play musical instruments is determined. The focus is especially acute on modern musical instruments, such as: electric guitar, synthesizer, drums, etc. The effectiveness, efficiency, usefulness and perspective of using musical instruments in the process of education, training and activation of musical abilities of younger schoolchildren are revealed. Ways and methods of promoting the development of various musical abilities of younger schoolchildren through instrumental performance, such as: musical ear, technical skills, emotional perception, musical creativity, joint musical interaction, self-discipline, responsibility.


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