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upland oak forests, altitudinal differentiation, microzones, dynamics, ecotones-forests, rational use

How to Cite

Kanska В. В., Denysyk Б. Г., & Kikavets В. А. (2024). HIGHLAND OAK-FORESTS LANDSCAPES OF PODILLIA, THEIR ALTITUDINAL DIFFERENTIATION AND DYNAMICS. Landscape Science, (6(2), 111–121. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5665-2024-6-111-121


As one of the most productive forest landscape complexes in the past, landscape scientists pay little attention to upland oak forests. The aim is to substantiate landscape proposals for their reproduction and further rational use, taking into account the altitudinal differentiation and dynamics of upland oak forests. In the course of the study, the principles of complexity, structural-systemic, functional, natural and anthropogenic compatibility were applied; methods – expeditionary, literary and cartographic, field plots, geographic information modeling. It is noted that Podillia is a representative region for studying upland oak forests. They are represented here in the classical form, their resources are used for a long time, and they need restoration measures. Upland oak forests are broadleaf forests formed by different species of oak with its companions, confined to high and steep slopes and adjacent watersheds. The study of nine full-scale sites of upland oak forests, one of which is the «Pyatnychansky Forest» in the vicinity of Vinnytsia, is presented in more detail. The proposals that should be implemented in the process of their gradual restoration are substantiated. Among them are the following: altitudinal differentiation of the landscape structure of upland oak forests, which is represented by four microzones with a set of forest tracts inherent only to them; dynamics of their landscape complexes – temporal and spatial, where temporal dynamic patterns are leading in the knowledge of upland oak landscapes; the influence of anthropogenic factors as one of the most active and destabilizing and the need to form transitional ecotones – the edges between upland oak forests and adjacent landscapes. It is noted that the almost complete destruction of the upland forest landscapes of Podillia requires further detailed research, taking into account the natural conditions of certain areas, such as Podillia Prydnisteria, Tovtry Podillia, Serednie Pobuzhia, and the specifics of modern anthropogenic impact.

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