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landscape science, artistic landscape science, artistic creativity, signs, essence, possibilities of use

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Денисик, Г. І., Braslavska О. В., & Ataman Л. В. (2024). ARTISTIC LANDSCAPE STUDIES: ESSENCE AND SIGNIFICANCE. Landscape Science, (6(2), 6–15.


The purpose is to substantiate the need for development and to analyze the main features that distinguish the formation of a new scientific direction on the border of landscape science and artistic creativity – artistic landscape science. In the process of research, general and specific scientific principles were used: historicism, complexity, objectivity and methods – analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, as well as cross-cutting methods - GIS technologies. It is shown that landscape geographers still pay little attention to artistic descriptions of the landscape. However, it is noted that the active development of landscape science will be observed in the post-war, victorious years. Artistic landscape science is an interdisciplinary direction of landscape science. It conveys the features of paragenetic and paradynamic relationships between nature and culture through the prism of an artistically described landscape. The artistic understanding of the landscape is the essence of artistic landscape science. It should be inherent in both landscape geographers and artists. A number of works of art by famous Ukrainian writers and poets are considered: T. Shevchenko, L. Ukrainka, I. Nechuy-Levytsky, M. Stelmakh, N. Kostenko, in which the landscape is described at the level of an artistic image. Attention is also drawn to the fact that every landscape geographer to a certain extent must be a writer or an artist. In Ukraine, such a combination is partially traced in the works of P. Tutkovsky, O. Marynych, P. Shyshchenko, M. Grodzynsky, V. Stetsyuk, V. Pashchenko, H. Tyutyunnyk. The practical significance of artistic landscape studies in local history and tourism, nature conservation, everyday life of people and school geography is highlighted. It is noted that in these and other areas of human activity, the artistic vision of the landscape will provide an opportunity to study the diversity and complexity of modern life and to survive existing adversities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Григорій Іванович Денисик, Оксана Володимирівна Браславська, Людмила Василівна Атаман