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garden and park landscape, Central Europe, Ludwig Metzell, Denis McClair, Sofiivka, rational nature management, antropogenic landscape science, constructive geography

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Kravtsova І. В. (2024). ARCHITECTS OF GARDEN AND PARK LANDSCAPES OF CENTRAL EUROPE. Landscape Science, (5(1), 67–78.


Garden and park landscapes of Central Europe are the example of an ecologically balanced organization of the man-made landscape system, in which natural and artificial components are connected by complex systems of constructive connections of a supplementary, compensatory and reducing nature. Conducted research and detailed analysis of factors that determine the formation, functioning and development of garden and park landscapes in the study area indicate that the organization of these geographical objects is determined not so much by fashionable trends of the corresponding historical era, but more and, strictly speaking, mainly by a combination of factors objective and subjective nature. The purpose of the article: to investigate and show the relationship and interdependence of the influence of individual personalities on the peculiarities of the organization of the landscape structure of garden and park landscapes of Central Europe. Today, garden and park landscapes form an independent object-subject field of modern geographical knowledge in general, and anthropogenic landscape science in particular. Their scientific research is conducted through the prism of understanding the multifunctionality and complexity of the organization of these geographical objects. They are systemic paradynamic and paragenetic formations. From the point of view of the Vinnytsia school of anthropogenic landscape studies, it is a humanistic component of the organization of the human living space of the 21st century. The spatial boundaries of the research area are Central Europe within the borders of such modern state entities: Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Czech Republic. The chronological limits are the 18th – 19th centuries, the time span of the regular and landscape periods of the formation and functioning of garden and park landscapes in Central Europe. The conducted studies proved that the background features, physiognomic features of garden and park landscapes, peculiarities of the organization of spatial forms, the combination of geographical components and elements, their diversity, the complexity of the landscape structure of the territory – all this is determined not only by the geological and geomorphological structure of the physical surface, but also by the actual professional direction of a specific person who worked on the creation of a garden and park landscape. These man-made landscapes are the example of the so-called triad of the formation of anthropogenic landscapes: "Idea – Opportunities – Skills". And this triad of factors is implemented through the prism of understanding the principle of natural-anthropogenic coexistence. The article presents examples of the organization of garden and park landscapes of Ukraine, which were created by the Polish military engineer Ludwig Metzell and the Irish botanist Dionysius Mackler.
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Ivashko, Yu., Dmytrenko, A., Hryniewicz, M., Petrunok, T., & Yevdokimova T. (2022). “Official” and “private” parks of the XVIII–XIX centuries through the prism of general landscape trends of the time. Scientific Journal of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Landscape Architecture and Art.Vol. 20, Number 20, 24–36.

Kosenko, I. S. (2021). “Sofiyivka” – a masterpiece landscape design of 18 – 19 centures on 225th anniversary of its founding. Journal of Native and Alien Plant Studies. December, 5–17.

Kosenko, I. S., & Zagoruiko, L. Ol. (2020). Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka”: Its History and Botanic Collection. The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 12 (1), 25–33.

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Metzell Ludwik Chrystian. (2024b). Encyklopedia. PWN. URL:

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Opara, V. M., Buzina, I. M., & Khainus, D. D. (2020). Landscape-ecological investigations mapping of V. V. Dokuchayiv KHNAU arboretum’s territory. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series "Geology. Geography. Ecology". 50, 197–209. URL:

Ruban, L. (2022). Landscape diversity of the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Modern problems of architecture and urban planning. 63, 87–99.

Rychkov, P., & Lushnikova, N. (2016). Natural materiality: water as an active element of the gardens by Denis McClair at Volhynia. Teka Komisji Architektury Urbanistyki i Studiow Krajobrazowych. September, 52–61.

Sonko, S. P., Maksymenko, N. V., Peresadko, V. A., Sukhanova, I. P., Vasylenko, O. V., & Nikitina O. V. (2018). Concept of environmentally protective farming for the Forest-Steppe zone. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series "Geology. Geography. Ecology". 48, 161–172. URL:

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