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Middle Pobuzhia, natural conditions, recreational geoecotones, landscape structure, rational use

How to Cite

Denysyk Б. Г. (2023). LANDSCAPE STRUCTURE OF RECREATION GEOECOTONES. Landscape Science, (3(1), 47–55.


Abstract. Regional features and diversity of the landscape structure of recreational geoecotones are considered. The goal is to analyze the landscape structure of recreational geoecotones for their further rational use. Methods: expeditionary, literary-cartographic, modeling, analysis and synthesis, comparison of existing analogues, GIS-technologies methods were used throughout. The active formation and development of recreational geoecotones here began in the second half of the 19th century. During the 20th century Recreational development of Middle Pobuzhia was uneven, however, from the beginning of the 21st century. significantly activated, and as in the past, it passes spontaneously. It is noted that it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the concepts of «anthropogenic geoecotone» and «recreational geoecotone», and their definitions and cancellations are substantiated. The structure of recreational geoecotones of three types: continuous, synergistic and strial, the place of the recreational geoecotone in the process of formation of the recreational landscape complex is considered. It is shown that knowledge of the landscape structure, as well as the processes and phenomena that develop in recreational geoecotones, is relevant and promising. On the one hand, they reveal the causes and mechanisms of existing trends of recreational transformations at the local level, and on the other hand, taking into account their indicator value, they open the way to managing the state of recreational landscapes and, partially, the environment in general. Three options for the use of recreational geoecotones in the process of protecting monuments of landscape architecture are proposed: dotted, ring, and core. Each of them has its own specific features.
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