Abstract. Garden and park landscapes are a group of the «correct» man-made landscapes that should form the modern landscape shell of the Earth. They are characterized by a constructive combination of natural components and elements with those components created by man to satisfy both material and spiritual needs. The rational use of natural conditions and resources, the formation of a comfortable living environment, the preservation of geographical and biological diversity – all these are the tasks that humanity of the 21st century must solve today by creating garden and park landscapes as a modern living environment. Therefore, the study of the peculiarities of the formation, functioning, landscape structure and significance of garden and park landscapes is an important scientific problem of anthropogenic landscape science.
The purpose of the article: to show and substantiate the hierarchical position of garden and park landscapes in the modern classification system of the man-made landscapes.
According to the current classification system of the man-made landscapes by type of economic activity, or by content, the classification units are group, class, subclass and type of the man-made landscapes. The article substantiates the introduction of a new taxonomic unit – «superclass of man-made landscapes», namely: «superclass garden and park landscapes». The identification of this taxonomic unit is based on the approaches and principles of reasonable use of the territory. Taking into account the Laws of Ukraine, which regulate the organization of residential areas, the purpose of the Sustainable Development Strategy of Ukraine, all geographical objects that modern people use to satisfy their material and spiritual needs must be constructed on the basis of rational use of nature and the creation of a comfortable environment for life and human activity. All this is ensured by the observance of the appropriate percentages of greening of both residential and industrial facilities with the use of landscape design elements.
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Wang, Y. Y., Wang, Y. J., Zhang, D., Zhang, T., Duan, J., Wang, K., & Wang, A. L. (2023). A toponymic cultural heritage protection evaluation method considering environmental effects in a context of cultural tourism integration. Current Issues in Tourism. 26 (7). 1162-1182.
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