No. 4 (2024)
Conceptual foundations of art education


Iryna Sidorova
Ilona Naumenko
Diana Strebkova

Published 2025-01-02


  • concertmaster; performing skills; professional training; music teacher; concertmaster activity

How to Cite

INFLUENCE OF CONCERTMASTER’S PERFORMANCE SKILLS ON THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE MUSIC TEACHER. (2025). Art in Contemporary Culture: Theory and Practice of Teaching, 4, 45-51. https://doi.org/10.31652/3041-1017-2024(4)-06


The article substantiates the focus of the content of the concertmaster's performing skills on the professional training of future music teachers and teachers of art disciplines. The components of performing skill and professionally important performing qualities of a concertmaster in the process of collective music making are considered. The achievements of the concertmaster's uniqueness are characterized, which are manifested in his ability to accompany performers of various formations, including vocal and instrumental ensembles (violin, brass), choral groups and others. Particular attention is focused on the work of a concertmaster in various vocal and choral disciplines in the context of higher pedagogical education.

It was found that the concertmaster's performance skills are an important component of musical education. It is noted that the accompanist's ability to accompany on various musical instruments ensures his professional versatility. Such flair is born from the improvisational abilities of the performer.

The analysis of modern studies of music pedagogy indicates a wide range of professional characteristics of a concertmaster: communicativeness, cultural outlook, psychological intuition, partnership creativity, mutual assistance and other personal qualities. It is noted that the performance skill of a concertmaster-pianist is ensured by professional qualities, including musical and theoretical knowledge, development of pedagogical and musical abilities, the formation of skills and abilities in the methodological aspect, performance skill in reproducing a musical work, consistency of performance with other instruments, and others. The role of the psychological aspect of the concertmaster's professional activity is highlighted. It is noted that the psychological component is of great importance for the successful performance of the concertmaster and his cooperation in various forms of interaction with other performers.


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