In the article the processes of forming of interconfessional associations are investigated in Ukraine in the period of independence. It is indicated that the complex comprehension of this theme is absent in historiography. Certain scientists spoke to indicated issue contextually and episodically.
Determined, that forming of interconfessional structures in Ukraine began in 1990th. Among the first such associations there were Interconfessional Council of Crimea and All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and religious organizations. At the beginning of XXI century Ukrainian Interchurch Council, Conference of representatives of Christian Churches of Ukraine, Council of evangelic protestant churches of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Council of Christian Churches, Council of representatives of the Spiritual managements and centers of moslems of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Council of religious associations, were also formed in Ukraine.
It is marked that on December, 15 in 2018 on Unifying Cathedral in Kyiv on the base of the Ukrainian orthodox church of Kievan patriarchy and Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Orthodox Church of Ukraine was created. Regarding this appeared a necessity of reorganizations of those interconfessional associations, which the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kievan patriarchy and Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox church entered as a part of.
It is marked that in the last years in Ukraine next to common Ukrainian interconfessional associations the tendency of creation of regional interconfessional religious structures gets spreading. They mainly come forward as advisory institutions at local public authorities.
It is described, that activity of interconfessional structures in Ukraine at the end of XX – at the beginning of XXI centuries became an important condition both for development of interconfessional relations and for adjusting of effective model state confessional relations. Besides that, functioning of interconfessional associations became important in the context of state creative activity in Ukraine in the newest days. Exactly at this time, in the conditions of democratization and forming of civil society, church religious organizations grew into important social institution.
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