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landscape, tourism, river basin, landscape units, typology of catchments

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The article offers a proposition of the delimitation and typology of landscape for the purposes of spatial research in tourism in mountainous areas. A method of spatial units delimitation based on river basins was presented. Identification of units was an initial step for suggesting the author’s units typology. The delimitation and typology were tested in the Silesian Beskid. The studied area was divided into three basins (Vistula, Olza, Brennica) and 74 spatial units. Basing on the shape of the river basin, forest cover and distribution of settlements, the typology of spatial units was suggested. Using river basins for spatial unit delimitation is particularly effective in mountain areas. River basins form there cohesive functional units integrating natural and land cover processes and are clearly visible in the landscape. The presented research shows a relation between physiognomic type of the valley and tourist facilities.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Анна Жемла-Сесіцка , В’ячеслав Андрейчук , Уршула Мига-Піонтек