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Podillya, region, ethnocultural landscapes, border, frontier

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Volovyk В. М. ., Braslavska О. В., & Valchuk-Orkusha О. М. (2023). PODILLIA IN THE STRUCTURE OF ETHNOCULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF EASTERN EUROPE. Landscape Science, (1(1), 96–105. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5665-2022-1-96-105


The article analyzes Podillya, which was formed as a polyethnic region, with ethnocultural landscapes of the boundary type, which is due to the peculiarities of contact, expressed in the spatial location on the border of three plain physical-geographical zones and mountainous country. This approach determines the formation of a contrasting landscape environment, which in turn affects the population of the region, migration processes, features of nature. Geographical and historical and cultural factors are taken into account, where Podillya is part of the cultural and civilizational boundary of Eastern Europe and serves as an ethnocultural regional frontier, as well as part of the forest-steppe zone as a geoecotone between forest and steppe zones, thus influencing the formation of ethnocultural regional level. The changes recorded in different strat of the region, influencing migrations and features of configurations of political and administrative structures are analyzed. In pre-ethnic and polyethnic strats, Podillya as a region is located on the periphery of Eastern Europe. This influenced the formation of new ethnocultural landscapes. The Podillya frontier is considered as a cross-border structure containing ethnogeoecotones and state borders of different chronological sections and is represented by the peripheral part of regional ethnocultural landscapes. To analyze the region as a geoecotonic and frontier formation, it is proposed to use the term "cultural-civilizational boundary", where cultural-civilizational factors are the basis for the selection of "geographical regions". Podillya, which is a cultural and civilizational frontier, is defined as the Eurasian corridor of civilizations or as part of the Eastern European space, the formation of which was influenced by climatic and plant zones and water communication arteries of Eastern Europe. The factors that influenced the formation of the cultural and civilizational frontier of Europe include: a) geophysical; b) physical-geographical (paleogeographic, geomorphological, climatic, hydrological, soil, phytogeographical, zoogeographical, landscapes); c) ethnological, historical and cultural. The ethnocultural boundary within Podillya is considered as a cross-border geographical structure formed under the influence of physical-geographical and historical-cultural factors on the border of Eastern Europe, where original ethnocultural landscapes different from the neighboring regions were formed.

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