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cycling, landscape, tourism, watershed, Bug, Dniester, route, bike route

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The study examines the potential of the Bug-Dniester watershed’s landscape complexes for the development of cycling tourism in the Vinnytsia region. It addresses both natural and anthropogenic factors in landscape formation, including relief, geological structure, hydrographic networks, soil cover, and biodiversity, and also determines the ecological, aesthetic, and recreational value of this unique area. It is established that the combination of hills, valleys, and forest tracts creates exceptionally picturesque views, ideally suited not only for active recreation but also for an in-depth exploration of the region’s natural wealth. Particular attention is paid to the impact of the historical and cultural environment on the attractiveness of the Bug–Dniester watershed. Within the project, in addition to describing the landscape complexes, individual tourist sites carrying important information about the history, culture, and traditions of the Vinnytsia region are also presented. Located along the planned cycling routes, these sites serve as additional points of interest for tourists of various ages and levels of experience. As part of the study, a cycling route has been developed, featuring detailed scientific descriptions of the landscape complexes, including characteristic landforms, water bodies, and the species composition of vegetation. Emphasis is placed on the importance of preserving protected areas, as they ensure sustainable regulation of economic activity while providing opportunities for ecological recreation. The route also envisages integrating historical and cultural landmarks, underscoring the close interrelation between natural landscapes and the socio-historical development of the region, and thereby forming a holistic tourist product. The findings can be used to formulate proposals for expanding and modernizing cycling infrastructure, including the construction of convenient bike paths, placement of navigation signs, and creation of rest areas. Integrating natural and cultural heritage into contemporary tourism programs, as well as promoting rural green tourism, is aimed at enhancing the overall appeal of the Vinnytsia region for diverse categories of visitors. This, in turn, stimulates the expansion of the region’s tourism potential and creates new opportunities for local communities. Thus, a comprehensive assessment of the landscapes-enriched by historical, cultural, and conservation components-lays the groundwork for the development of cycling tourism, which can meet the scientific, educational, and recreational needs of modern travelers.
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