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sacred landscape, sacred spaces, religious object, spiritual shrines, Vinnytsia region, religious tourism

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The article examines sacred landscapes as objects of tourism, their significance, features and perspectives of use are characterized. It is emphasized that spiritual objects have always played an important role in the preservation of the spiritual traditions of our people and now they play an important role in the development of tourism in our country. The most significant sacred landscapes of the Vinnytsia region are considered. The most famous and most significant religious objects of the region, which are currently actively functioning as religious, pilgrimage and tourist objects, which are a special part of the development of tourism, are described in detail. The expediency of using the sacred landscapes of the Vinnytsia region in the tourism sphere is substantiated, as the sacred landscapes are an integral part of the development of tourism in the region, due to the performance of a number of important functions, including sacred, communicative, protective, healing, touristic, and environmental protection. The importance of sacred landscapes and religious objects in the stable and effective development of tourism in the Vinnytsia region is argued.
Especially Vinnytsia region is rich in ancient monuments of wooden architecture of Podillia. Vinnytsia is home to the most famous churches and entire architectural complexes built by well-known Catholic orders that were engaged in active missionary activity. The temples belonged to the Dominicans, Franciscans and Jesuits. On the territory of the Vinnytsia region there are objects of Orthodox pilgrimage, so-called «holy places». In particular, one of the most significant Christian shrines of Podillia is located on the border with Moldova – it is the Lyadiv Men's Cave Monastery of the Beheading of the Head of John the Baptist.
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