The formation of new territorial communities requires the development of scientifically based approaches to the rational use of available natural resources. The purpose is to substantiate the need of accounting of the landscape structure of the community territory in order to optimise the problems of rational nature use. The principles of complexity, compatibility, and partial historicism have been applied; the methods of analysis, generalisation, mapping, and modelling have been used.
It has been shown that in the process of territorial communities’ organisation and development, rational use of available natural resources, it is the most appropriate to apply a landscape approach, peculiar types of landscape areas and their respective tracts.
The following types of terrains have been distinguished: floodplain, floodplain-terrace, slope, and watershed, as the most characteristic for the Middle Pobuzhzhia region. It has been shown that due to the impossibility of using the seashore of Ukraine for recreation, the recreational load on the riverine and floodplain types of terrain of the territories of communities whose lands cover the Southern Bug River Valley will increase significantly. Due to the predominance of agricultural landscapes in the Middle Pobuzhzhia, the problem of a correct understanding of the types of agricultural land and agricultural landscapes has been discussed. These are not simple structures.
In the process of their understanding, it is necessary to distinguish between natural and economic components, which will make it possible to use the available resources employed in agriculture more effectively. It has been noted that the knowledge of the landscape structure of territorial communities is one of the leading factors of their stable development in the future.
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