The benefits derived from counteracting soil destruction are called ecosystem services (ES) control of erosion rates. Urban green spaces (UGS) provide these services in urbanized areas, affecting the quality of living space. However, at present, scientific and applied developments do not outline a clear and accessible scheme for assessing such ES. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the technological features of geoinformation assessment of the volume of ES control of erosion rates.
In accordance with the main factors that determine the differences in the speed of erosion and deflation processes, a geodatabase was formed on the conditions for their occurrence, the volume of ES and the risks of their loss. The QGIS/SAGA environment (QGIS version 3.32.1-Lima) was chosen as the most effective tool for spatial analysis. The file database in the GeoPackage format in accordance with the standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium was formed by a set of thematic vector and raster geodata sets: “LS”, “Vegetation”, “Soils_erosion” and “BGI_erosion”.
The deflation risk assessment methodology and the ABAG empirical model were selected as they take into account the main factors of erosion and deflation processes and are easily adaptable to GIS modelling techniques.
Parameters characterizing the impact of relief, vegetation and erosion control measures on soil loss; soil potential erosion coefficients; erosion index of precipitation and wind speed; and a parameter characterizing the protective effect of windbreaks formed a set of calculated parameters that were included in the database as attributes.
The selected models, calculation parameters, and QGIS/SAGA tools allowed us to implement the ES assessment methodology. Based on the spatial analysis operations, the effectiveness of each UGS in performing the erosion control function, the volume of ES, and the risks of its loss. This creates conditions in which the assessment of ES will become accessible to urban planners, who are often limited in information and ways of processing it.
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Methodendokumentation «Bodenkunde»: Auswertungsmethoden zur Beurteilung der Empfindlichkeit und Belastbarkeit von Böden. Geologisches Jahrbuch. Sonderhefte: Reihe G - Heft SG 1- Ad-hoc-AGBoden. (2000). Volker Hennings. Herausgegeben von der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe und den Staatlichen Geologischen Diensten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. - Verlag Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 296 р.
OpenStreetMap contributors, www.openstreetmap.org. 2022
Sithin, M. (2021). Role of Turfgrass in Urban Landscapes. Journal of Plant Development Sciences, 13, 247–255. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352211459_Role_of_Turfgrass_in_Urban_Landscapes
Steinhoff-Knopp, B., Kuhn, T.K. & Burkhard, B. (2021). The impact of soil erosion on soil-related ecosystem services: development and testing a scenario-based assessment approach. Environ Monit Assess, 193 (Suppl 1), 274. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-020-08814-0
Tian, P., Tian, X., Geng, R., Zhao, G., Yang, L., Mu, X., Gao, P., Sun, W., Liu. Y. (2023). Response of soil erosion to vegetation restoration and terracing on the Loess Plateau, CATENA, 227, 107103, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2023.107103.
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Buchhorn, M, Smets, B., Bertels, L., De Roo, B., Lesiv, M., Tsendbazar, N-E., Herold, M., & Fritz S. (2020). Copernicus Global Land Service: Land Cover 100m: collection 3: epoch 2019: Globe (V3.0.1) [Data set]. Zenodo. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3939050
Desmet, P.J.J., Govers, G. A. (1996). GIS procedure for automatically calculating the USLE LS factor on topographically complex landscape units. Soil Water Conservation, 51, 427–433.
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Maes, J., Teller, A., Erhard, M., et al. (2020). Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services: an EU wide ecosystem assessment in support of the EU biodiversity strategy, Publications Office, DOI:https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2760/757183
Evans, D. L., Falagán, N., Hardman, C. A., Kourmpetli, S., Liu, L., Mead, B. R., & Davies, J. A. C. (2022). Ecosystem service delivery by urban agriculture and green infrastructure–a systematic review. Ecosystem Services, 54, 101405. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2022.101405
Fryrcar, D.W. & Chen, WN & Lester, C.. (2001). Revised Wind Erosion Equation. Annals of Arid Zone, 40, 265-279.
Fu B., Liu Y., Lu Y., He C., Zeng Y., Wu B. (2011) Assessing the soil erosion control service of ecosystems change in the Loess Plateau of China. Ecological Complexity, 8 (4), 284-293. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecocom.2011.07.003
Gwapedza, D., Hughes, D.A., Slaughter, A.R., Mantel, S.K. (2021). Temporal Influences of Vegetation Cover (C) Dynamism on MUSLE Sediment Yield Estimates: NDVI Evaluation. Water, 13, 2707. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w13192707
Haines-Young, R., Potschin, M.B. (2018). Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) V5.1 and Guidance on the Application of the Revised Structure. Available at: https://www.cices.eu
Harrington, Е.С. (1965). The desirable function. Industrial Quality Control, 21 (10), 124–131.
Istanbuly, M.N., Dostál, T., Jabbarian Amiri, B. (2021). Modeling the Soil Erosion Regulation Ecosystem Services of the Landscape in Polish Catchments. Water, 13, 3274. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w13223274
Jiang, С., Wang, F., Zhang, H., Dong, X. (2016). Quantifying changes in multiple ecosystem services during 2000–2012 on the Loess Plateau, China, as a result of climate variability and ecological restoration, Ecological Engineering, 97, 258-271, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.10.030.
Liu, J., Wang, X., Zhang, L., Guo, Z., Chang, C., Du, H., Wang, H., Wang, R., Li, J., Li, Q. (2022). Regional Potential Wind Erosion Simulation Using Different Models in the Agro-Pastoral Ecotone of Northern China. Int J Environ Res Public Health., 19 (15), 9538. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159538.
Methodendokumentation «Bodenkunde»: Auswertungsmethoden zur Beurteilung der Empfindlichkeit und Belastbarkeit von Böden. Geologisches Jahrbuch. Sonderhefte: Reihe G - Heft SG 1- Ad-hoc-AGBoden. (2000). Volker Hennings. Herausgegeben von der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe und den Staatlichen Geologischen Diensten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. - Verlag Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 296 р.
OpenStreetMap contributors, www.openstreetmap.org. 2022
Sithin, M. (2021). Role of Turfgrass in Urban Landscapes. Journal of Plant Development Sciences, 13, 247–255. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352211459_Role_of_Turfgrass_in_Urban_Landscapes
Steinhoff-Knopp, B., Kuhn, T.K. & Burkhard, B. (2021). The impact of soil erosion on soil-related ecosystem services: development and testing a scenario-based assessment approach. Environ Monit Assess, 193 (Suppl 1), 274. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-020-08814-0
Tian, P., Tian, X., Geng, R., Zhao, G., Yang, L., Mu, X., Gao, P., Sun, W., Liu. Y. (2023). Response of soil erosion to vegetation restoration and terracing on the Loess Plateau, CATENA, 227, 107103, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2023.107103.
Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, D.D. (1978). Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses. A Guide to Conservation Planning. The USDA Agricultural Handbook, 537, Maryland
Zanaga, D., Van De Kerchove, R., De Keersmaecker, W., Souverijns, N., Brockmann, C., Quast, R., Wevers, J., Grosu, A., Paccini, A., Vergnaud, S., Cartus, O., Santoro, M., Fritz, S., Georgieva, I., Lesiv, M., Carter, S., Herold, M., Li, Linlin, Tsendbazar, N.E., Ramoino, F., Arino, O. (2021). ESA WorldCover 10 m 2020 v100. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5571936
Zevenbergen, L.W., Thorne, C.R. (1987). Quantitative Analysis of Land Surface Topography. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 12, 47-56. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/esp.3290120107

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Copyright (c) 2023 Наталія Петрівна Корогода, Ольга Володимирівна Ковтонюк, Олександр Опанасович Галаган, Тетяна Геннадіївна Купач