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Central Pobuzhzhia, floodplain, steppeification, anthropogenic factors, industry, water management construction, geocomponents, sustainable natural resource management

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The problem of modern steppeification of the floodplain of the Southern Bug River within the Central Pobuzhzhia region, as a model region of the forest-steppe of Ukraine, has been considered. The goal is to identify and investigate anthropogenic factors that are not leading, but have a significant impact on the development of the steppeification process. The study used the principle of historicism and compatibility, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis, field landscape studies, modeling, and GIS technologies. In addition to materials from our own field research, an analysis of data from regional meteorological stations and nature conservation institutions was conducted.
The study characterized the impact of the main types of economic activity and the landscape complexes formed by them on the current state of the floodplain of the Southern Bug River. It was shown that, in addition to the main natural (climatic) and anthropogenic (plowing and deforestation) factors, water management construction and mining and quarrying industries have a significant impact on the steppeification of the landscape of the Central Pobuzhzhia region. The landscape complexes created by them contribute to a local increase in temperatures (1.1-1.3°), drying of the soil cover, and acceleration of the steppeification process of the plant and animal worlds. This is confirmed by the materials of studies in the natural areas of the Ladizhyn and Haivoron hydrosystems, Hnyvan-Vytavske and Hubnyk mining operations of crystalline rocks.
It is noted that when combining the landscape complexes created by these types of economic activity and residential landscapes, significant areas of steppeification are formed in the Central Pobuzhzhia. Due to the fact that steppeification is beginning to actively affect the development of the region’s economy, its structure, and the daily lives of people, this process requires further research in the future. Special attention should be paid to the formation of steppeification areas within the floodplain landscape, their localization, and possible ways to optimize them.
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