The goal of the givan article is to reveal the main theoretical provisions set on the landscape systems organization. These provisions reveal the essence of such organization, its relationship with the environment, patterns of variability, integrity and purposefulness in development, a clear programmability to achieve the goal of development, i.e. ensuring their own landscape environment to maintain a harmonious state. The analyzed theoretical positions show that landscape systems are in the field of general organizational dependencies of any natural systems and at the same time are characterized by a certain individuality. It is shown that a certain set of theoretical propositions is clearly distinguished, which plays a peculiar theoretical and invariant role in studies of the landscape systems organization. Such an invariant set of theories not only consolidates the relevant theoretical positions around itself, but also reveals signs of a kind of theoretical integrity. Such theoretical construction of the landscape systems organization is inherent in both natural and anthropogenic variants, which naturally creates a chain of theoretical justification of the organization of systems from their origin to qualitative development. At the same time, these theories substantiate the natural need for the stable development of landscape systems properties of a certain freedom of action, uncertainty and even chaos. This unity of the theoretical foundations of the landscape systems organization represents the general patterns of their existence in space and time.
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