Abstract. The development of extreme tourism in any region of Ukraine does not take place in isolation, but in specific landscape complexes. The aim is to substantiate the possibilities of developing certain types of extreme tourism in its anthropogenic landscapes on the example of Podillia. In the course of the study, the principles of historicism, complexity, and natural and anthropogenic compatibility were used; methods – analysis of field and literary and cartographic materials, synthesis, and GIS technologies. Using the classification of anthropogenic landscapes of Podillia, it is shown that certain types of extreme tourism are developing more actively in urban, industrial, aquatic anthropogenic and beligerative landscapes (classification by types of economic activity), man-made and pyrogenic (by genesis), as well as ethno-landscapes. The possibilities of developing new types of extreme tourism in the anthropogenic landscapes of Podillia – dark, adventure, tourism in anthropogenic slums – are partially considered. It is noted that the further development of extreme tourism in the anthropogenic landscapes of Podillia requires more detailed research of these components.
The development of extreme tourism in any region of Ukraine does not take place in isolation, but in specific landscape complexes. The purpose is to substantiate the possibilities of developing certain types of extreme tourism in its anthropogenic landscapes using the example of Podillia. In the course of the study, the principles of historicism, complexity, natural and anthropogenic compatibility were used; methods – analysis of field and literary and cartographic materials, synthesis, GIS technologies. It is noted that scientists consider the development of extreme tourism without reference to the relevant landscape complexes. Due to the fact that the landscapes of Podillia are completely anthropogenized, the development of all types of extreme tourism takes place in anthropogenic landscapes. Not all of them are equally suitable for the development of extreme tourism. Using the classification of anthropogenic landscapes of Podillia, it is shown that certain types of extreme tourism are developing more actively in urban, industrial, aquatic anthropogenic and beligerative landscapes (classification by type of economic activity), man-made and pyrogenic (by genesis), as well as ethno-landscapes. The possibilities of developing new types of extreme tourism in the anthropogenic landscapes of Podillia – dark, adventure, tourism in anthropogenic slums – are also partially considered. Further development of anthropogenic landscape studies will lead to a more detailed knowledge of the structure and properties of modern landscapes. This will make it possible to better understand and justify the development of existing and new types of extreme tourism in their structure. It is shown that the current development of extreme tourism in the anthropogenic landscapes of Podillia requires more detailed studies of these components for their rational use in the future.
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