Current issues of the organization of mining landscapes, in particular their development, dynamics and functioning, are considered. The features of the emergence, formation and disappearance of mining geosystems are analyzed. The question of determining the moment of appearance of newly created landscape-technogenic systems is revealed. The emergence of mining geosystems is due to the beginning of extraction or beneficiation of minerals within the natural-economic systems of a different genesis. The formation of mining geosystems coincides with the beginning of the construction of a mining enterprise. The stages of formation and development of these geosystems are distinguished: emergence (birth), youth (juvenile), maturity, old age, decrepitude, disappearance (death). The stages of anthropogenic transformation of areas of mineral extraction and beneficiation are singled out. During the formation of geosystems, their landscape structure is transformed. The formation of geosystems begins with the abiotic stage of their development. After the completion of mineral development and the closure of mining enterprises, the active phase of the disappearance of mining geosystems begins. At the same time, they move to post-mining geosystems, and those to natural-economic systems of a different purpose. The disappearance of geosystems occurs by dissolving, overlapping and replacing the place of the landscape. The main provisions of the manifestation of dynamic (natural-anthropogenic) processes in mining and post-mining landscape systems, the formation and direction of landscape flows and the general process of landscape formation are formulated. The principles of the functioning of landscape systems formed as a result of the development of mineral deposits are determined. The functioning of mining and post-mining geosystems depends on the activity of dangerous endogenous and exogenous processes, and their list is determined by the specifics of mining and other anthropogenic influences in mineral development areas. An important place in the dynamics and development of geosystems is given not only to the change or emergence of plant communities, but also to the formation of integral biogeocenoses.
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