The internal structure of dependencies that control the spatiotemporal organization of natural territorial systems is considered. It is noted that any of them is characterized by direct and antinom components. That is why such dependences are probabilistic. The presence of antinomies in many laws, regularities, principles, etc. Suggests that in the zone of probabilistic indirect action of dependences there are, and therefore dominate, asymmetric dependencies, with reverse action, which in some way balance the action of direct ones. This is a reflection of the principle that what is absolutely probable is never stable. The formations that make up the world and the dependencies that control their organization are not only characterized by systemic autonomy, but also by functional interconnection, that is, everything is in its place and performs only its inherent function. And in order for any phenomenon to be characterized by stability, it must be balanced by the opposite. This phenomenon is also characterized by dynamism and invariance. The dynamics of the ratio of direct and antinomic internal components is not only a manifestation of the general variability of nature, but also provides these dependencies with stability against the background of such variability. The invariance of any organizational dependence is a stable relationship between its direct and antinomic components. The destruction of such an invariant relationship leads to destructive phenomena within the framework of integral dependence, which can be much more detrimental to the organization of the landscape as a whole than, for example, its global pollution. These dependencies are the background for any territorial formations and form the basis for a significant set of other dependencies. In general, each of these dependences is characterized by a certain degree of probability of direct and antinomic components. The main set of organizational dependencies on natural territorial systems covers the patterns of formation of their integrity, internal and external balance against the background of continuous variability, systemicity of all components (from component content and structure to systemic integrity), spatial and temporal stability, internal geological equivalence background emergence. These properties of systems are considered in article. The analysis shows that the vast majority of the considered dependencies are characterized by a high degreeof probability (sometimes 82.5%). The average degree of probability is 16.2% of all considered dependencies, and only 1.3% of the considered – with low probability. The average probability of the direct component of organizational dependencies is about 80%, and antinomic – about 20%, respectively In general, taking into account the internal structure of organizational dependencies of natural territorial systems makes it possible to avoid certain mistakes in their application.
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