No. 4 (2024)
Conceptual foundations of art education


Viktor Krupka
Alla Vinnichuk

Published 2025-01-02


  • baroque, eschatology, existential time, lyrical hero, symbol, catharsis

How to Cite

INTER-ARTISTIC POLYPHONY OF THE POETRY BOOK "BAROQUE" BY VOLODYMYR TYMCHUK:THE PROBLEM OF INTERPRETING THE LYRICAL HERO. (2025). Art in Contemporary Culture: Theory and Practice of Teaching, 4, 32-37. https://doi.org/10.31652/3041-1017-2024(4)-04


The article analyzes the artistic features of the poetry book «Baroque» by Volodymyr Tymchuk, which is distinguished by the decorative nature of the baroque tradition. An important characteristic of the collection is intertextuality as a principle of the book's compositional organization, determined by stylistic uniqueness and ideological-artistic dominants. The focus is on the image of the lyrical hero, who achieves artistic completion through the prism of the trinity human / warrior / poet. Structurally, the book is divided into 4 sections: «Spring», «Summer», «Autumn», «Winter». Each of these is emphasized by subsections: «Human / To Live!», «Warrior / To Flame!», «Poet / To Love», which ultimately creates the sacred number «twelve», particularly significant in baroque aesthetics.

The cyclical nature of seasons is a traditional phenomenon in the construction of a poetry book, however, it bears more of an existential-eschatological character rather than an affirmation of existential renewal. In the trinity of the lyrical hero, we observe the divine origin of human essence, whose earthly mission is revealed in the aspect of the trinity of action to live / to protect / to love. The «Spring» section depicts the affirmation of the highest aspirations of the human soul, where factors of personal existence become particularly expressive when the internal becomes external, when world-creation becomes the foundation of self-creation. The «Summer» section reveals the lyrical hero as one who makes his choice and exists in the whirlwind of self-realization, as protecting is not merely a duty but an internal need. The uniqueness of the «Autumn» section is determined by the hero finding moments for self-observation, identifying with nature, and freeing himself from collective solitude. The «Winter» section serves simultaneously as the culmination and resolution of the book, creating a spacetime where the lyrical hero exists on the edge of eschatological irreversibility, while the recipient is filled with pain-catharsis.


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