No. 3 (2024)
Conceptual foundations of art education


Dmytro Kolomiiets
Yury Babchuk
Halyna Chadyuk

Published 2024-12-27


  • educational potential of art, integration of arts, creativity, critical thinking, skills for sustainable development

How to Cite

EDUCATIONAL POTENTIAL OF INTEGRATION OF ART IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. (2024). Art in Contemporary Culture: Theory and Practice of Teaching, 3. https://doi.org/10.31652/3041-1017-2024(3)-11


The article demonstrates the possibilities of using the integration of the arts in the educational process for the development of sustainable development thinking skills in students. The peculiarities of the "Creative Partnerships" program, which has become widely used in various countries, are analyzed. The integration of art into other disciplines stimulates creative and critical thinking, enriches the understanding of educational material and makes the educational process more interesting and diverse. This helps students to see the problems of the world around them, understand the connections between different fields of knowledge, and feel their responsibility for building a better future. It was concluded that the involvement of art to increase environmental awareness helps to emotionally interest students, encourages reflection and concrete actions for sustainable development and preservation of the environment.

The authors identified STEAM projects as the most effective art integration technology, in which, in addition to scientific knowledge and the use of production and information and communication technologies, a significant share is devoted to the artistic component. Such integrated projects develop the creative abilities of students and contribute to a deeper understanding of educational topics and problems of the modern world. Holding art workshops on recycling secondary materials, creating art objects from natural materials, or organizing ecological exhibitions with the participation of young people contributes to the education of conscious citizens who understand the importance of sustainable development.

Therefore, the authors indicate the need to prepare future teachers for this kind of integrated activity and give examples of the integration of arts in the educational activities of students in classes from various educational disciplines.


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