No. 3 (2024)
Conceptual foundations of art education


Mymryk Mykhailo

Published 2024-12-27


  • music-performance communication, students of arts faculties, ascertainment experiment, structural components, pedagogical diagnostics, criteria, indicators, levels of formation of music-performance communication

How to Cite

MUSICAL AND PERFORMING COMMUNICATION OF ARTS FACULTY STUDENTS: PEDAGOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS AND RESULTS OF CONSTITUTIONAL EXPERIMENT. (2024). Art in Contemporary Culture: Theory and Practice of Teaching, 3. https://doi.org/10.31652/3041-1017-2024(3)-06


In the article, the author highlights the process and results of pedagogical measurements aimed at determining and stating the levels of formation of musical and performing communicative skills of students of the faculties of arts. The course of the process of pedagogical diagnostics is carried out consistently in accordance with the structural and content components of musical and performing communicativeness in accordance with the developed and formulated criteria and indicators. The ascertaining stage of research-experimental work on the formation of musical-performance communicativeness presented in the article is implemented by carrying out a set of such experimental-measuring measures as the selection, development, modification and integrated application of pedagogical-measuring tools for establishing and ascertaining the levels of formation of each of the structural components in the respondents, as well as musical and performing communication in general. Among the most effective experimental and measuring methods, we note the methods of pedagogical observation, expert assessment, individual verbal questioning and interviewing of students, written and oral music-theoretical analysis of means of musical expression, analysis of the results of current and final certification, analysis of the results of modular and final control, analysis of the results of music festivals and competitions; modified methods of O. Khoruzhaya - "Diagnostics of the manifestation of existential essence in the spiritual and rational activity of students", "Self-analysis of the ability to practical mastery of information and communication technologies", "Diagnostic and survey methodology for revealing the professional orientation of students of the faculties of arts to instrumental and performing activities". In the article, the author presents and analyzes the statistical results of the conducted pedagogical diagnostics, which testify to the predominance of a low (initial) level of formation of musical and performing communication over professional (high) and sufficient (average) levels, which determines the importance of further pedagogical measures to implement the developed methodological tools.


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