Modern trends in Ukrainian music management in the context of digital transformation of society
Published 2024-12-27
- music management; music product; music marketing; PR technologies; promotion of a music artist
Copyright (c) 2024 Ольга Хижна, Олександр Бордюк, Наталія Попович

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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The article is devoted to the issues of the formation and development of music management in Ukraine. It is studied that music management is a key component of the industry, which is responsible for coordinating all stages - from the creation of music to its perception by the audience. The definition of the concept of "music manager" is analyzed, its functions are considered, and the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of work are indicated. It is determined that music management is a dynamic field where new tools and trends are constantly emerging, so it is important to be aware of the latest changes and adapt to them; the rules that have been in effect for a long time in the field of musical art no longer meet the requirements of the new digital era. It is determined that modern trends in music management cover the following key areas: digital marketing strategies, branding and image, data analysis and analytics, integration with other media, copyright protection and legal aspects, globalization and international development, fan management. It is proven that in order to bring creativity to the audience, stand out in the face of fierce competition, organize concerts and tours, and record albums, it is necessary to strengthen management processes in musical art. These processes can be implemented only by experienced managers who specialize in the music industry, have deep knowledge in the art industry and in the field of show business, possess stage skills, conduct marketing research, position and promote a musical product, and also have good taste and strong intuition. Famous Ukrainian agencies specializing in music management are named. It is noted that marketing technologies play a key role in the promotion and sale of any musical product in the modern world. The main characteristics of music marketing are highlighted. The concept of "promotion of a musical performer" is studied. Factors affecting the effectiveness of promotion are analyzed. It has been proven that the development of professional management in music in all its aspects is a necessary condition for the productive existence of modern Ukrainian musical art.
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