Mathematics, Informatics, Physics: Science and Education
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)
Actual problems of physics and astronomy

Physical properties of PCTFE-TEG and PHTFE-TEG/SiO2 nanocomposites

Taras Sichkar
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
Максим Рокицький
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
Halyna Rokytska
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
Liudmyla Blagodarenko
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
Mykola Shut
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Published 2024-06-20


  • polychlorotrifluoroethylene, thermally expanded graphite, silicon dioxide, electrical conductivity, heat capacity, linear expansion

How to Cite

Physical properties of PCTFE-TEG and PHTFE-TEG/SiO2 nanocomposites. (2024). Mathematics, Informatics, Physics: Science and Education, 1(1), 36–47.


Polymeric nanocomposites based on polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) with a low content of dispersed thermally expanded graphite TRG and modified filler TRG/SiO2, characterized by high electrophysical properties, were obtained. The features of the electronic structure of the composite surface have been investigated. The regularities of changes in the electrophysical properties of the composites depending on the content of fillers and temperature have been established. On the basis of studies and comparative analysis of the thermophysical properties (specific heat capacity cp, temperature coefficient of linear expansion a) of the systems, the influence of the structural morphological state of the components and their concentration, the level of interfacial interaction on the physical properties of nanocomposites have been investigated.It has been established that the modified nanofiller is more active towards the polymer matrix than the unmodified one. The composites exhibit a double effect of the modified nanofiller on the matrix structure, which consists in the formation of a powerful crystal structure in the zones of influence of the nanofiller and amorphization of the polymer matrix in the peripheral zones. It has been found that the amorphization of the matrix results in a decrease in the area of temperature reflexes peaks on the temperature dependences of the specific heat capacity and a change in the absolute value of the temperature coefficient of linear expansion with an increase in the concentration of the modified TRG.


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