Mathematics, Informatics, Physics: Science and Education


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Author Guidelines

Requirements for the design of articles

I. General requirements
Original articles that have not been previously published and have not been submitted for consideration for publication in other journals (including electronic ones) are accepted for publication.
Languages of the manuscript: Ukrainian, English.

Structure of the article: 

- UDC;

- title of the article (in the language of the main text of the article);

- Names and surnames of the authors;

- full name of the organization where the work was performed, department, locality and country, e-mail, ORCID ID;

- abstract, keywords (in the language of the main text of the article);

- introduction, which provides a general statement of the problem and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks (relevance of the study), analysis of recent research and publications that initiated the solution of this problem and on which the author relies, highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted; 

- formulation of the purpose of the article or statement of the problem; 
- formulation of new results obtained by the author(s) and their full justification (or proof); 

- conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this area;

- conflict of interest and ethics;

- acknowledgments (optional);

- list of references (in the language of the main text of the article);

- title of the article (in English if the main text of the article is written in Ukrainian; in Ukrainian if the main text of the article is written in English);

- Names and surnames of the authors (in English if the main text of the article is written in Ukrainian; in Ukrainian if the main text of the article is written in English);

- abstract, keywords (in English if the main text of the article is written in Ukrainian; in Ukrainian if the main text of the article is written in English);

- list of references (in English if the main text of the article is written in Ukrainian; in Ukrainian if the main text of the article is written in English). 

- author notes (about authors), indicating their academic degree, academic title (if not, the position), full name of the organization where the work was performed, locality and country (in Ukrainian and in English).

The main text of the article may contain sections or subsections that, in the author's opinion, contribute to a better presentation of the article.
It is not allowed to make extensive reviews of already published articles and results, references to unpublished works.
The editorial board may carry out scientific and literary editing of the article, agreeing the edited version with the author.

II. Technical requirements

1.    The volume of the manuscript is from 7 to 14 pages (20000-40000 characters).
2.    Page parameters: A4 format, all margins 2.5 cm.
3.    Times New Roman font (or Computer Modern Roman in LaTex).
4.    Font size: 12 pt.
5.    Line spacing: 1.
6.    Paragraph indentation: 1 cm.
7.    Figures and tables should have captions with through numbering. The figure caption is placed below the figure in the center and consists of the word Fig. with the corresponding figure number and the title (name) of the figure. The table caption is placed above the table and consists of the word Table with the corresponding number and the title (name) of the table.
8.    In the case of a Word document, formulas are created in the MathType editor. The font size is 12 pt. Formulas referenced in the text must be numbered through. The formula number is printed in parentheses at the edge of the right margin. The formula is centered. Formulas that are numbered must be included in a separate line. 
9.    References to the sources used in the text are made according to the sample: [1], [2, pp. 364-367; 5, p. 127; 7-9; 12], where the first number is the number of the source in the list of references, the number after the decimal point is the page number (the range of pages is set through a dash), several sources are separated by a semicolon or dash. 
10.    An electronic copy of the manuscript in the form of files with the extension .doc/.docx or .tex+.pdf is submitted to the editorial office by filling out the publication submission form on the website. It is recommended to use a template to submit the article. The file name is given in transliteration, as the surname of the author(s), for example, Petrenko.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.