Published 2025-01-02
- information and communication competence; future music teacher; integrated learning; digital technologies; ways of information and communication competence formation; critical thinking; motivation; creativity
Copyright (c) 2024 Людмила Онофрійчук, Марія Червоній, Наталія Лановенко, Олеся Газінська
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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The article deals with the problem of forming the information and communication competence of the future music teacher in the process of integrated education. The relevance is emphasized by the growth of the information and technological space and the renewal of the resource provision of the higher school. Attention is drawn to the importance of ensuring the integrability of the educational content, the success of which depends on the availability of systematic knowledge from various artistic fields. The analysis of Ukrainian and foreign scientific sources was carried out and the need to highlight the ways of forming the information and communication competence of the future music teacher in the process of integrated education was determined.
The key concepts: «competency», «communicative competence», «information-communicative competence», «artistic-information competence» were analyzed, the structure of information-digital competence according to the teacher's standard was considered and it was indicated that an integrated approach in this process will contribute to the disclosure of the creative potential of an individual and desire for self-improvement.
The main ways of forming the information and communication competence of the future music teacher in the process of integrated learning are highlighted: creating a favorable psychological environment during the use of information and communication technologies, increasing motivation and interest; focus on the development of critical thinking in the process of integrated learning; stimulating the future music teacher to his own creativity with the help of information and communication technologies; systematic application of information and communication technologies.
The digital resources of FL Studio, GarageBand, which provide an opportunity to learn the basics of composition, arrangement, etc. and virtual resources on the YouTube and Facebook platforms, are considered. It was determined that the acquisition of information and communication competence by the future music teacher will reveal new opportunities for the use of digital products in the educational process.
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