No. 4 (2024)
Conceptual foundations of art education


Anna Novosadova

Published 2025-01-02


  • Pedagogical principles; genre and style competence; future music teachers; future teachers of choreography; professional education

How to Cite

PRINCIPLES OF FORMATION OF GENRE-STYLE COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TEACHERS OF MUSIC AND CHOREOGRAPHY. (2025). Art in Contemporary Culture: Theory and Practice of Teaching, 4, 38-44. https://doi.org/10.31652/3041-1017-2024(4)-05


The article defines the principles of the formation of genre and style competence of future teachers of musical art and choreography. It was emphasized that future teachers should possess a sufficient level of genre-style theoretical knowledge and practical skills and respond to new artistic challenges. The purpose of the article is to define and substantiate the principles of the formation of genre and style competence of future teachers of musical art and choreography. The works of S. Honcharenko, H. Padalka, O. Rostovskyi, O. Rudnytska, O. Shcholokova and others are devoted to the study of principles in pedagogy. It is noted that the works of musicologists (A. Kalenichenko, I. Kokhanyk, O. Ligus, V. Moskalenko, S. Ship, etc.) and teachers (O. Afonina, I. Malashevska, I. Pokulita, V. Smorodskyi, G. Poberezhna, T. Shcherytsia, etc.). In the writings of these researchers, the important importance for the professional activity of teachers of musical art and choreography of the possession of musicological apparatus, the ability to analyze musical compositions from the standpoint of genre and style is emphasized. The principles of the formation of genre-style competence are determined by the principle of scientificity, consistency, systematicity, genre-style correspondence. The principle of scientificity involves openness to new research, theories and concepts related to genre and style. The principle of systematicity in the context of the formation of genre-style competence of future teachers of musical art and choreography involves the integration of genre and style into a single system that ensures the creation of musical (choreographic) compositions, theoretical knowledge of genres and styles and their practical use, analysis of success and evaluation of the level of knowledge genre and style of the acquirers. The principle of sequence involves the sequential study of genre and style, in which each knowledge and skill is based on the previous one. The principle of genre-style correspondence involves the accumulation of genre-style practice by the student of education.


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