Published 2025-01-02
- artistic and performing technique; future music teachers; piano lessons; indicators of the piano technique development of a student-pianist
Copyright (c) 2024 Таміла Гризоглазова
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The article highlights the peculiarities of the development of the artistic and performing technique of future music teachers in the process of piano training. The essence of the concept of "piano technique" has been specified. The core principle of piano teaching has been updated - the principle of the unity of the artistic and technical, on the basis of which the work on musical works should be based. Along with this, piano technique requires appropriate training of the motor and technical apparatus, solid mastery of artistic and technical skills, the formation of which takes place in the process of special long-term work of a student-pianist. The main indicators of the development of the student's piano technique are highlighted: contact with the keyboard, flexibility and plasticity of the technical apparatus, executive freedom, a feeling of muscular ease of performance, economy of calibrated, appropriate movements during the performance process, thanks to which the speed of playing, technical endurance, controllability of the technical process is achieved , automation of piano movements, mastering the sum of artistic and performing means of piano art (intonation, articulation, phrasing, pedalization, dynamics, agogic, etc.), auditory self-control of performance, close connection of the auditory and motor spheres that are subordinate to artistic representations, achievement of the necessary artistic performance result. It is emphasized that in the process of developing the artistic technique of a student-pianist, it is important to take into account the stylistic and genre context of the works, consciously using the means of artistic expression characteristic of a certain genre or style.
It should be emphasized that on the material of exercises and sketches, students should acquire both technical and performing skills, as well as artistic and performing skills. Auditory control, active participation of musical hearing is of fundamental importance in the process of development of artistic and performing technique.
Reflection is an important component of the professional training of future music teachers. In the context of the development of the artistic performance technique of a student-pianist, it functions as awareness of one's own actions based on self-observation, self-analysis, which are important prerequisites for self-improvement of one's own performance.
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