No. 4 (2024)
Conceptual foundations of art education


Olena Shvets
Dmytro Kolomiiets
Yuri Babchuk

Published 2025-01-02


  • design, synthesis of arts, interior styles, artificial intelligence, Copilot

How to Cite

SYNTHESIS OF ART AND INTERIOR DESIGN. (2025). Art in Contemporary Culture: Theory and Practice of Teaching, 4, 8-16. https://doi.org/10.31652/3041-1017-2024(4)-01


The article demonstrates the possibilities of synthesizing different types of visual arts and styles of interior design of residential premises. The use of different types of visual arts is considered, which help to make the interior not only functional, but also artistically expressive, in particular, painting, namely: paintings, abstract works or even large wall murals, which can add color and mood to any space; sculpture, i.e. three-dimensional shapes and structures created from metal, wood, stone or modern materials; black and white or color photographs can also decorate the walls, adding a special style and depth; posters, prints and digital illustrations, i.e. graphics; mosaic, i.e. small pieces of glass, stone or ceramics to create patterns or images on walls or floors; textiles, namely: tapestries, textile panels, decorative pillows and carpets, which add texture and comfort.

It is emphasized that design as a cultural phenomenon is itself a synthesis of arts and modern technologies, and each design has a powerful artistic potential. The authors proposed possible methodological techniques, in particular the use of artificial intelligence, to prepare future designers for the synthesis of different types of visual art and interior design styles. The article presents images generated by the Copilot artificial intelligence of the use of works of art in interiors of different styles and their directions.

It is concluded that modern artificial intelligence technologies make it possible to quickly generate images for combining any types of visual art with different interior design styles. Using such examples, future designers learn to analyze successful and unsuccessful options, make their own adjustments, and in the future - the customer's adjustments. Therefore, the authors of the article define artificial intelligence as an effective tool in the work of a designer.


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