Published 2024-12-27
- semiotic competence; future music teachers; pedagogical conditions and methods; musical and theoretical training; children's musical works
Copyright (c) 2024 Ірина Лященко

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The artistic direction is one of the priorities in modern Ukrainian education. The modernization of the artistic, particularly musical, educational space, which has been ongoing for several decades, requires, first of all, the strengthening of the professional training of higher education graduates. Modern educational requirements encourage future music teachers not only to thoroughly study the fundamental theoretical foundations traditional for music-pedagogical practice, but also to involve the newest, competitive foundations in the process of their professional training. The improvement of professional competence currently requires a number of important components, without which the further practical realization of the potential of young people in music-pedagogical activities is impossible: performance skills, deep musical-theoretical training, a significant level of scientific-pedagogical practice, originality of creative self-realization. In this professional system, a prominent place is now given to the musicological and analytical dimension, which is difficult to imagine without a deep understanding of the specifics of the language of musical art. Therefore, it seems appropriate to involve the basics of musical semiotics with its extremely wide possibilities of deciphering and interpreting any musical text in the analytical activity of future teachers of musical art. In order to create the basic theoretical provisions necessary in the future for the study of the semiotic competence of future teachers of musical art, it is important to highlight the current pedagogical approaches and methods of its formation. The purpose of the research is to study two pedagogical conditions and the methods corresponding to them, connected in the process of forming semiotic competence of music teachers with practical processing of the acquired knowledge base and stimulation of creative self-realization of the individual. The most favorable for the implementation of the mentioned pedagogical conditions can be considered the activity of students during music-theoretical training. It is proved that the semiotic analysis of children's musical works is of special importance for future music teachers in this context.
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