Didactic principles of using competence-oriented tasks in education of chemistry students in general secondary education institutions
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competence-oriented tasks, institutions of general secondary education, chemistry, Program for International Student Assessmen

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Didactic principles of using competence-oriented tasks in education of chemistry students in general secondary education institutions. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 95-107. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5754-2023-4-95-107


The purpose of the article is the didactic substantiation of competency-oriented tasks as a means of implementing a competency-based approach in teaching chemistry students in general secondary education institutions.

General scientific methods applied at the theoretical and empirical levels of research are used − abstraction, elementary-theoretical analysis and synthesis, structural-genetic analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, modeling, as well as empirical methods − surveys.

A comparative analysis of different structures of competence-oriented tasks was carried out, their structural and functional features were formulated. In order to develop the terminological apparatus of didactics, it is proposed: to consider the contextual task (assignment) as an educational task, the plot of which has different topics, but is necessarily contained only in part of its condition; a competency-oriented task − as an educational task, the plot of which has different topics and can be contained either in its full condition, or in its requirement, or both there and there at the same time.

It is recommended to use B. Bloom's taxonomy of educational goals as a basis for the construction of competence-oriented tasks, the cognitive levels of which can ensure the formation of all components (knowledge, activity, value) of subject competence.

Competence-oriented tasks are defined as one of the important didactic factors of the organization of the educational process in modern conditions, since these tasks allow the development of epistemological, praxeological and axiological components of students' competence, in particular, in natural sciences and tec The development of a system of competence- oriented tasks and the design of a methodology for their implementation in the educational process remains an urgent issue of domestic pedagogy, especially given the need to prepare Ukraine for participation in the comparative international study PISA-2025.hnologies.

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